Here's the pic. We named him Pepper, because he spices up our lives.
Well, I was just thinking earlier this week about how I missed Pepper hiding in our yard, when, low and behold, what did Brother find mucnhing on a toad in the flower garden?
His eyes are milky blue, which means if we keep out eyes open, we'll probably have another snake skin hanging out in the lawn before long.
He actually let me take quite a few pictures of him, once I sat down and stopped moving. I resisted the urge to pet him and instead just held the camera a few inches away to snap some photos.
I feel bad for the toady that Pepper scarffed up, especially since it could've been one of the toads we saved from the egress window a few days ago, but Pepper's welcome to stay as long as he wants.
Also, a reminder that I am officially on vacay, and probably won't be back to the blog for about two weeks. See you when I get back!
Have fun on your vacay. This snake will haunt my nightmares forever...
That's one thing I don't need to see in my yard. Hope you're enjoying the vacation!
So if I find snakes in MY yard, does this mean I can send them to you? I happen to LOVE our toads and I'd be so sad to think they were in danger! I know it is prejudiced of me, considering I like the chipmunks and even tolerate the possum that in not just in our YARD, but frequent our garage... but I prefer snakes stick to the woods...
I used to work as a Naturalist, so I love all things snakes and toads. We had a garter snake over-winter under the bay window in front of the house last year. I was surprised to see it come out to sun itself on nice days. I didn't think they did that. Probably because he was alone, poor thing. They usually like to group up to stay warm.
Have a great vacation.
Love the toadies...NOT so much the toad eating snake. O_0
Have a wonderful time off. *hugs*
Heather - awww, he's cute! He's a nice snake!
Tracey - but he helps to eat bugs and stuff! You totally want him!
Hart - yes you can. As long as they're not venemous. You live in MI, yes? Do you have any venemous snakes there? We have 1 species, but its rare
L.G. - Yay for a fellow snake lover! I mean, i feel bad for the toad, but i undestand that pepper needs to eat too
Lola - well, he also eats bugs and stuff, which is a plus. And thanks!
Aw, how cool!
Hope you're having a great vacation!
I feel bad for the toady that Pepper scarffed up
Eh, it's all part of nature's, you know, cycle...
(Humorously enough, as I typed this, "Circle of Life" came on my iTunes...).
Cooool! Snakes fascinate me. Which is funny because they TERRIFY my husband, lol.
Poor toad, though :(
That is one long garter snake!
Ooh wow! I used to be fearless around snakes but now they creep me out. Hope you're having fun on your vacation!
Talli - oh we will
Teebore - crazy!! It's like the iTunes knew...
Sara - yay for snakes! I love garter snakes. They're just so cute
Alex - right? He's really big. Must be well fed
Shelley - what happened to change your opinion?
Ehhh... We have a snake hiding out in our garden too... I shall not be naming him. Snakes give me the heebie jeebies. I know they're supposedly more afraid of me than I am of them, but they sure don't look it when they stare at me with their beady little eyes of Death!
I actually really like snakes, but it seems like they always pop up when I'm least expecting it and scare the crap out of me. Of course, it's not like they can wave at me or holler "hel-lo-o". Have a great vacation!
I would love to have a snake in our yard, but my boyfriend's mother wouldn't stand for it. She freaks out over frogs and the inch long lizards that sun themselves on our side porch. if a snake ever made the mistake of settling in our yard, it would be dead pretty quick, I'm sad to say.
Naomi - BUT! Maybe if you give him a name, you won't be so creeped out by him!
Julie - i have that problem with spiders, which i don't mind unless they're on me. But they're always showing up unexpectedly
Stephanie - BUT! That snake would scare away the frogs and lizards, so she should WELCOME a snake!
I love how you decided his name! That's the cutest! As for me, no way would I want a snake near me... I'm creeped out by even the smallest of bugs.
Enjoy your vacay!
That last picture is AWESOME! You got so close! Last year when it rained for days on end, we had about 5 little snakes all tangled up together high in the bushes off our porch. I should show you those pictures :)
Have fun on vacay!
That's an awesome looking snake. Before long you'll have a collection of Pepper-skins (I wonder if he goes into your garden with the sole intention of shedding? that'd be kinda cool)
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