A few weeks ago I promised some readers (*cough* Maria *cough*) photos of the veggie garden exploits this year and now that things are growing fairly well and I've gotten some better photos I figured today's a good day for them.
These pics are a few weeks old, so the garden's much more fuller and filled out now. We've got blossoms on the cantaloupe and tomatoes and should see them on the zucchini any day.
long shot of the entire garden along our front fence |
this is just a close up of the garden after we expanded it this year. You can see how much bigger we made it, from back to front, where the dirt color changes. The plants on the right is the garlic, which you plant in Oct. Next to it is green onions. We have no idea where they came from. They just popped up this spring. Kind of a nice (and delicious) surprise |
Left, potatoes in a tater bag. Top to bottom, clockwise, asparagus, peas, cucumber, zucchini |
top to bottom, clockwise: peas again, soybeans, cucumbers |
Top to bottom, clockwise: peas, yellow onions, green onions, bell peppers, tomatoes, carrots in their nice little rows |
Top to bottom, clockwise: green onions, garlic, corn, cantaloupe, watermelon |
The watermelon is having a tough time of it. We've got two plant left, and they're fighting, but really anything could knock them out. We just have to cross our fingers. Also something mowed the top off of one our corn stalks (it's growing back) and has been snipping off the tops of the soybeans. Probably rabbits. But otherwise things are looking good.
We've got plans to plant another crop of peas, once this one is done, since we like eating them the most. Corn and soybeans are new for us this year. As is the watermelon. I really hope we get some corn, because that would just be cool. And since we love edamame, I really hope we get some soybeans. There's a bit of a monopoly on soybeans, so it's really hard to find soybean seeds, but we found some at seedsavers.
And that's it. How about you? Doing any veggie gardening this year? How's it going?
We tried a garden once. Bugs ate most of it within the first two weeks of sprouting. Hope yours fares better!
It looks beautiful! I love that you have them in raised beds.
How are the dogs with the garden? Do they mess with it much?
PS Everything eats corn! It's like they're wearing a little sign that says: EAT ME.
Thanks for posting your pictures! I love to see other people's gardens.
I so do not have a green thumb. I wish I did. Fresh grown veggies are the bomb.
whoah! it looks like EVERYTHING is growing. we've had a bit of luck with pumpkins in the past, but everything else- not so much.
my mom says i have a black thumb instead of a green one.
It looks so organized and pretty! We have lettuce, tomatoes, parsely and chives growing in the back but it's all a little overgrown looking.
Of course I'm doing some veggie gardening. By which I mean my wife is. Last year, the place was overrun with cucumbers (which I like, but really don't need 3-4 dozen of). If anything runs rampant this year, I hope it's the Triffids.
Best of luck with yours!
That's a nice looking garden! I've planted a few nasturtium seeds in a small pot at my desk at work, and they germinated over the weekend. I'm hoping I don't kill them :S
One day when I own a house, I plan to network with you on gardening stuff. Until then, I'll just drool on all your fresh vegetable pics.
Your garden looks lovely this year, as always. :)
We do a big organic garden every year, but only the herbs, cukes, pumpkins and maters ever make it...the bunnies, deer and birds chomp the rest, no matter what I try. And, Im okay with that...they need organic veggies and fruits too. :)
Your garden looks lovely this year, as always. :)
We do a big organic garden every year, but only the herbs, cukes, pumpkins and maters ever make it...the bunnies, deer and birds chomp the rest, no matter what I try. And, Im okay with that...they need organic veggies and fruits too. :)
We got lazy this year and just bought a tomato plant and a couple flower pots. But the tomato plant isn't dead yet, and even has a few little tomaters popping up!
Our tomatoes and peppers are coming along nicely, the carrot seeds my granddaughter planted didn't come up at all, and there's a crazed pumpkin vine (seeds from last Halloween) threatening to escape the garden and take over the whole yard.
WOW...it looks like ALL of your fingers are green!! :)
Oh, you guys are so lucky to have a garden! We have no outdoor space except for a tiny balcony.
I've had horrible luck with watermelons, yellow squash, and cucumbers. Damn squash borers usually take them out. I didn't do veggies this year, but I have sweet mint, rosemary, basil, oregano, and cilantro. Plus blueberries.
I am really quite taken with those neat little rows of carrots. I have never seen asparagus growing - will you do status updates and make sure to photograph any weird looking veggies you harvest? Sometimes, it has been said, carrots can look like they have a wiener. I am not saying I hope this happens to your carrots, I'm just throwing it out there.
That's a link to a carrot wiener, in case your Grandma is looking at this with you. "We'd have been proud to have a carrot like that during the Depression!" she will probably yell, so watch out.
Lovely garden!! I've tried several years in a row, but we don't get enough sun so nothing really produces. My parents have a huge garden though, so we get some veggies from them to eat! Can't beat home grown!
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