Friday, March 8, 2013

Friday Fun

What time is it?? Why, it's Friday Fun time of course, ape-friends!

I wish fun time lasted forever

Let's dance our way right into some weekend fun!








Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Some great ones today! Think I'll go with the watching dog. They never give up.

Maria Zannini said...

I have four sets of eyes that monitor my every move the moment I walk into the kitchen.

Southpaw said...

Ha! I love all of those today.

Matthew MacNish said...

Ah, these take me back. Thanks, Yvie!

Aurora Smith said...

Yes to that library!!

Hart Johnson said...

HA! Fluffy the Vampire Slayer! YAY! And yes... LOVE that library... far better than an arrogant ass. I mean I know he eventually redeems himself, but what a lot of work work work.

Rena said...

OMG Belle's LIBRARY! It's one of the things that I've decided I'll definitely do if I win the lottery: build an awesome library!

Michael Offutt, Phantom Reader said...

You know though...peaking in high school just may be more satisfying than someone who never peaks (and this happens). For example, I honestly wouldn't have minded if I'd gotten to be an amazingly handsome quarterback/jock character that got tons of sex and was admired by everyone. That would have been really cool. It's not like my life hasn't been ho hum ever since (and it was ho hum in high school too). For example, I'm 41 and this "may" just be the year I can finally afford my first house. Woo hoo! #Fail LOL

mshatch said...

that dog watching one? That's my dog to a T. If food is involved he's watching - very carefully. Love that last one, too, hehehe.

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