Monday, April 22, 2013

In Which I Feel A Bit Lost

So, yeah. Like the title says I've been feeling a little... aimless I guess? I dunno. And I don't know why. Maybe it's because my class has ended, though I don't think so. Most likely it's just nothing brought about by nothing that's left me in a funk.

I'm working on revisions, and I know some bigger changes I need to make, I just... haven't. And there are also some bigger changes I'm pretty sure I need to make, I'm just not confident enough to make them yet.

You know, kill your darlings and all that.

I have a whole character at the end of the MS I think I need to cut. And it's hard because I really love him. He's awesome. But he's not in it much, and while he provides an opportunity for the MCs to really solidify some things before they go off to the final climax and junk, I'm mostly worried that he slows the pace too much when things should be ramping up.

I tell myself I could use him elsewhere. If I did a sequel for this MS (and of course I'm bouncing ideas around) he could easily fit there. But what if I don't actually write a sequel? Then he's just gone and that makes me sad.

So mostly, I think I just need some outside eyes to tell me if my suspicions are right and he needs to go, or if I'm just crazy and the pacing is fine. I don't think it is, but I've been wrong before.

So, yeah. Just kind of meh about revisions right now. Hard decisions make for some hard work and I'm just having some trouble with it right now. I'm sure it will pass, it always does.

How about you? Killed any darlings lately?


Maria Zannini said...

And here I was hoping you'd tell us more about your OTHER news.


Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Let someone else read it before you do anything drastic.
And you've hit five hundred followers - congratulations!

Matthew MacNish said...

Is this for All that Remains? I'll let you know as soon as I get there!

Anne Gallagher said...

Figuring out what to do with someone you love is always devastating. Of course with all the snow you have, you can't get outside and work the bugs out. My advice -- just sit on it some more. If you take him out and then find some way to keep him in, that's a whole lot of work you don't really want to do.

Hannah said...

Ditto on what Matt said. I'll let you know if said character should go or not.

Hannah said...

Also, you know I've been feeling the same way lately. I think I've gotten over it...possibly, maybe...

Rena said...

Yeah, I've been feeling the funk, but I thought it was about the whole filling out job applications thing.

I don't know about the killing of darlings. Sometimes it's absolutely the thing to do, and sometimes not. I don't know what to tell you about this particular character. Just make sure he contributes significantly to the plot. If not, out of there.

At least, that's what I say now... I may or may not have a few characters who survived just by being a certain slice of awesome #badwriter

Austin Gorton said...

I've FINALLY reached the climax of Crimson Masquerade and have realized that I need two things to happen which, so far as I can reason, can't actually both happen in any realistic way.

So yeah. I'm at a point where the end of the book feels like some kind of logic puzzle...

Sage Ravenwood said...

I know exactly where you're coming from. In my case RL shoveled a ton of grief onto my shoulders. When I thought I could tackle writing again (albeit a year later) sigh, the changes I need to make to my MS seem almost overwhelming. I think once I get back in the groove things will let up some. Wishing the same for you sweet friend. (hugs) Indigo

vic caswell said...

oh! :( that's so sad! i hope you can figure out a way to keep him somewhere... maybe a sister novel spinoff featuring the character?

Unknown said...

I blame Mother Nature. Blame it on the snow. Revisions won't be nearly as annoying in June. Truth.

Hart Johnson said...

I've been in a funk, too... too much to do, overwhelmed, I think, and it makes me not able to really get to anything. Hopefull the funk train will take them all away shortly and we can be ourselves again...

Ninja Girl said...

Hey Falen,
Wish I was in the revising stage. *sigh* I know it's tough, but I'm still working on finishing the rough draft of my current WIP. I'm sorry to hear that you're having trouble. Sometimes it's hard, especially when you love a character/scene/piece of dialogue etc. Totally get that. I hope you find your way out of the funk soon. Hoping good revision-y things for you ;).
Ninja Girl

Unknown said...

No darlings to kill, but not many words bashed out from the mind either. Keep the character to one side in case they find a new home elsewhere :)


Leandra Wallace said...

I'm going w/Tricia. Once all that snow melts you'll be right outta that funk. Or maybe you need to buy another lucky revision hat! ;)

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