Wednesday, June 5, 2013


Gah!! I forgot to set my time for this post, so it's popping up later than usual. My bad if you're an early visitor (you know who you are...)

So, today's our monthly Insecure Writer's Support Group. Feel free to click on the link if you'd like to join up.

I've been feeling pretty good lately. Not really insecure, which is good. Of course we all know that it can pop up at ANY TIME. It doesn't matter how great things can be going, it can just sneak in.

I've said it before and I'll say it again, one of the best weapons for fighting off that insecurity is acknowledging it, understanding that it's not an emotion or feeling based on any sort of logic, and knowing that it will go away.

Some people like to continue writing, to push through it by getting down to work. But some people just need to step away. It's just important to figure what works best for you. Yeah? Yeah.


Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

It's almost never based on fact!
Late or not, I still found you.

Matthew MacNish said...

I'm coming out of a bit of a writing funk, myself. But of course now that I'm feeling good, I have no time.

Michael Offutt, Phantom Reader said...

I've been in an environmentally induced funk lately. Hopefully something will change.

Rena said...

Yes to the acknowledging that the insecurities are not based on any sort of logic.

I just wish they didn't have so much FEEL behind them when they do crop up. I can tell myself it's just the writer crazies, but I can't make them go away. I can only devalue the truth of the feeling behind them. Baby steps I guess.

Hart Johnson said...

Definitely not a one size fits all thing. In fact what works for me depends a little on the source. Editing can make me insecure, and that I have to plow through--face it head on and keep going. But the post-release insecurity, it is better to step back and stop obsessing.

Mel Chesley said...

Spot on advice! Revising is what gets to me, but I just have to plow through it and get it done. :D

Anonymous said...

Knowledge is power. Acknowledging things helps us sort them out and put them in proper perspective.

Unknown said...

I think I'm more of a "head down and plough straight on" kind of guy. It seems to work whenever there's a funk.

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