October is an awesome month for many different reasons. Halloween, fall, pumpkins etc., etc.
One sad thing about October, though, is that it signals the end of the MN Renaissance Festival season. Sad boosh.
So for this week, my posts will be full of photos of the awesomeness that is the Renfest. I will be posting Monday-Friday this week in order to fit it all in.
Today, I will showcase the delicious, delicious food, since it's Monday and I'd rather look at nummy pics than do work or whatever.
Because we go every weekend we have plenty of time to try tons of different foods. There are a few things we get every time (cheese curds, berries and cream) but in general we zazz it up every weekend.
Onto the food pics!
One sad thing about October, though, is that it signals the end of the MN Renaissance Festival season. Sad boosh.
So for this week, my posts will be full of photos of the awesomeness that is the Renfest. I will be posting Monday-Friday this week in order to fit it all in.
Today, I will showcase the delicious, delicious food, since it's Monday and I'd rather look at nummy pics than do work or whatever.
Because we go every weekend we have plenty of time to try tons of different foods. There are a few things we get every time (cheese curds, berries and cream) but in general we zazz it up every weekend.
Onto the food pics!
beer cheese soup in a bread bowl. A staple on any cooler days
turkey leg
Florentine ice. It will make your lips red
beef on weck. Twin and I don't like it, but Brother gets it a few times a year
scotch egg. YUM
banger sausage
spinach pie. I eat this every weekend and this year I bought a whole pie, frozen, to eat later this winter
ribs. We just found these this year. DELICIOUS
roasted boar. SO. GOOD.
Chicken on a stick.
Tomorrow, the awesome costumes that can be found
Damn the calories. I am so hungry.
Our state fair started last week. Our Renaissance fair is in May.
I'll have to get my turkey leg at the state fair.
BAH! Cheese curds are far FAR better at the fair!!
And why does the berries and cream look like 1000 times better this year than last year!! NO FAIR!!!
mmmmm, spinach pie. I lurve spinach.
It all looks good!
I love eating the turkey legs...I feel all barbaric. Plus they're yummy. (minus all the tendons)
i feel like there are other things to eat that you didn't post pics of...
oh, popover with honey butter
and turtle on a stick
apple tart
Maria - aww, May would be an awesome time for a renfest! But sometimes May is still cold here
Hannah - berries and cream was so good this year. And i don't know if you've had Renfest curds enough times to make a fair assessment
Emily - food is so delicious. I LOVE IT
Alex - oh it is. I already miss it
Lola - yeah we had one this year that was by far the tastiest but it also had the most tendons. Sad
Anne - i don't know why i didn't get turtle on a stick since we get that almost every time.
We went to the Ren fest here in Michigan for the first time yesterday. Sadly, we didn't try any of the food. We were too distracted by the sights and sounds and, oh yeah, the MUD! It had rained Saturday, so everything was so muddy and slippery and messy! We'll have to go again next year!
*drool* I. Am. So. Hungry.
I may have to google a recipe for that beer/cheese soup. Yum.
You have made me SO hungry! Awesome photos!
I haven't had breakfast yet....uhhh...
We're going to the North Carolina RenFest in 2 weeks; I can't WAIT to gorge!
This was a yummy post!
I now crave a florentine's ice.
Meika - ooh yeah, we have that problem occasionally with our fest as well. So much mud...
Tara - it is by far the best beer cheese soup evah!
Talli - i've made myself ravenously hungry as well
Summer - OOH! Take pictures if you think of it! I love to see other renfests!
Holly - it was yummy food too!
Dominique - at this point, i'd eat pretty much anything
I haven't been to the Renfaire in years. Your pictures made me drool. (Hugs)Indigo
Now I'm hungry. The berries and cream look delicious!
I think I just gained five pounds reading this post!!
Indigo - yeah, i'm sure there's a lot of drooling happening right now
Kelly - oooh they're so good! Blue berries and strawberries mixed with nummy cream and topped with whip cream and chocolate. SO GOOD
Mr Lonely - i'll check you out
DL - yes, the weigth gain is an unfortunate side effect. Is it worth it? Yes. Yes it is.
Wow! That is some serious food! I had no idea so many crazy-yummies could be found at a Renaissance Fair.
Thanks for sharing.
For whatever reason, I don't eat as much at Renfest (unless I'm doing Feast, at which point I eat until I explode).
I get my soup if it's chilly and a few other things, but I haven't explored all the culinary avenues you have. I'll have to rectify that.
Michele - so many delicious foods!
Teebore - well it's easier when you go every weekend. It's not like we eat that stuff all in one day. Typically i get my roaste boar, spinach pie and berry's and cream and that's it. Often we split soup and curds and stuff between the three of us
I can't believe I missed this. I love the food there but never saw some of these. That roasted boar looks especially tantalizing.
Lots less stuff on a stick than at the state fair too.
Matt - yeah, less sticks, more eat with your hands. The roasted Boar is only at one stand and it is DELICIOUS
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