As you can tell by the title, I've drawn a blank about what to write about. I had some fun writerly posts planned, but can I remember them now? Hell no.
November is going to be a bitch of a month for me. With NaNo, my Mom's B-day, Thanksgiving and a bajillion great video games I need to play, I am going to be busy.
The video games are the biggest issue. Fable III came out yesterday

(I pre-ordered it, because you'd better believe I need the exclusive sword and tattoo) so I want to be playing that like every minute. Not to mention I'm still pretty enmeshed in Halo Reach.

Then throw in Force Unleashed II and Rock Band 3, both also released yesterday, and the super duper exciting Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood, with a release date in November, and I am one busy gamer.

It's times like these that I thank my lucky stars that I'm a fast writer. If I wasn't, I'd probably be on a fast train to NaNo failure. But since I can do my daily word count in less than an hour, that leaves me plenty of time for my other nerdly pursuit.
So, what's happening in your lives? Anyone else busy because of frivolous pursuits?
I am looking forward to frivolous next month before I have to dig in and work on edits.
Since I'm not doing NaNo, I intend to enjoy my month. LOL!
I'm not a fast writer so there will be no tv, no interwebs and def no videa games. I wish. I wish. I have the first Fable. One of these days I'll actually play it.
It usually takes me two hours to hit the minimum but I usually write much more than that to make up for the multiple Thanksgiving gathers.
Not all posts can be full of writerly wisdom. Didn't you see my post about my dirt mustache the other day?
Fable III came out yesterday?! OMG, where did the time go. Must scurry out and purchase it NOW!!! (oh, dang, there's that stupid blizzard raging outside. Maybe tomorrow?)
I wish I had time to game. I miss those days of 4 hr RPG benders. *sigh*
That was fast for Fable III. I'm still trying to get through Dead Rising 2 so I can move on the the new Fallout ... should probably be writing more though.
Hey, my mom's birthday is in November, too!
If it's a scene I already have written in my head, I can get through my daily word count in about an hour or two.
If it's something I have to actually, you know, make up as I go along, it takes more time.
I miss having more time to game...
Not for me! Except for all my TV shows, of course. We've been too poor to buy a PS3 or an xBox-360, even though we'd certainly like both. It's probably for the best...
Simon...*sigh* those were the days, weren't they.
That's a distant memory. *sighs again.
Please, there will be no time for frivolous for me in November.
Fable-dude is hot.
Aren't you gonna do a post showing all your outline tips and prep stuff for Nano?
October seems to get the ball rolling and it just gathers and gathers until something in January where a sigh of relief is heard around the world. Even without holidays, (though almost every culture celebrates something this time of year) everything switches over into a knuckle down status and an oops the year is almost over I better get a move on.
Not frivolous, but I have been busy. Can't wait to see how you juggle all that and those games next month, too!
Maria - sounds like a plan!
Hannah - oooh you should. It's AWESOME
Dan - i try and write more than the minimum as well, since i rarely write on saturdays
Mara - you have a blizzard? So do we! Well kinda, not quite enough snow, but certainly enough wind
Simon - oh i MAKE time
Matthew - it's a delicate balance. I still want to play fallout
Teebore - too many comics, that's your problem!
Summer - yeah it's easier when you have 3 working adults to split the costs with. We're on our second Xbox 360
Lola - yeah i'm sure children take up a lot of time. All i have are dogs.
Yes he is attractive, you can make your characters look however you want - WIN! Also, that is a very good idea regarding writing posts...
Holly - so true. Also i'm always pretty broke around this time on the year which makes things even more hectic
Alex - oooh, i'll find a way. I always do...
@Falen: too many comics, that's your problem!
Pfft, comics! I wish. I read, like, 2 or 3 a week, max. I'm woefully behind.
Teebore - man, yeah you are. What the heck are you doing with your free time?
@Falen: What the heck are you doing with your free time?
TV, I guess.
Assuming I'm not working at B&N or it's Tuesday poker night, I get home from work between 5 and 6, make, eat and clean up dinner. Then watch TV for a few hours, go to bed and read a book/comic for as long as I can before falling asleep.
That's my life...
Can't wait to get me some more Ezio Auditore! NaNo (insert which ever) is going to have to step aside ;)
Teebore - pshaa, you should eat and watch TV at the same time. Problem solved
Carolyn - oooh tell me about it! I'm so excited for Ezio
@Falen: you should eat and watch TV at the same time.
Oh, don't worry, we do. We usually watch our sitcoms (Big Bang, Modern Family, etc.) during dinner, and save the hour long stuff for after.
@Falen: you should eat and watch TV at the same time.
Oh, don't worry, we do. We usually watch our sitcoms (Big Bang, Modern Family, etc.) during dinner, and save the hour long stuff for after.
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