I know, I know, it's been so long since I've been able to provide new words to enhance your vocabulary, but now that things are, more or less, back to normal, we have some new words to share. Even though it's been, like, forever.

Onto the words!
Orket - a baby orc. Aww how cute! And sometimes not...

Headma - this one has two meanings:
1. The Ma that is in charge of all the other Moms. Often she can be spotted by the wooden spoon she carries.

2. The mother to the head. What? Heads need mommies too, you know.

Fouro - 4 bulls

Prown - a proud crown. It's easy for crowns to suffer from pride, with all their sparkliness and sense of importance.

Suade - faux suede

And that's it for this week, ape-friends! I hope you have a fun weekend
OMG that Orket is the coolest thing EVAR! For the Horde FTW! Yay.
Today's guest blogger is Emilia Plater!
That crown would drive me nuts, always slipping off my head. ;)
Love the Orket. Have a great weekend!
The horde baby is cute LOL thanks for sharing
LOL Orket. I wanna go around just randomly saying "For the Horde!" when I go shopping later. Have a good weekend :D
Thanks everyone - the baby orc seemed very fitting
Waaay too hot to wear a crown, all that perspirtion dripping! Have a great weekend!
The orc baby is great! Of course, they all look like that to me.
I could see Yvie with a crown...
Love the baby orc, that picture is hilarious!
Glad to have Yvie back with her words, it's one of my favorite regular posts :-)
I like orket, fouro (very clever), and suade... :D
Totally laughed out loud at the picture of the dog. FOREVER!! *snicker* Thanks for the Friday smile!
That was priceless! Headma got me laughing till this very moment!
Kittie - it's only like 68 here today, so perfect crown wearing weather
Alex - Ha!
Teebore - she wore a crown once when she won belle of the ball, i was too lazy to find it
Summer - since i found suade, i keep accidentally spelling suede that way
Zoe - LOL thanks. I was pretty impressed with my paint skills
Clara - I loved the mom with the bat pic. Cracked me up
Wow, all the words I should know that I'll probably never use.
Clarissa Draper from Listen To The Voices
The orket is SCARY!!
LOVE headman! he he!
Have a righteous weekend, Sarah.
Orket is too awesome for words. It also reminds me of the day I decided my little orket was too toothsome for nursing. Yowch!
I had to laugh at the baby orc. Not sure I could use the word outside of warcraft... but lol.
W.I.P. It: A Writer's Journey
Yvie is the most adorable dog... like, ever.
I'm also very impressed by her vocabulary.
Clarissa - you might be able to slip in suade one day
Lola - thanks! And you too! (Woo! Holiday weekend!)
Tamara - Ha! I hope it was before teeth like that appeared
Lynda - I'm sure there's opportunity aplenty in warcraft and DND
Jo - aww thanks. She tries
That pic of Yvie is the best! You need to use this for all lists and announcements. Put it on your fridge with her yelling "Groceries!" and then have the list under it. You should put this pic on your business card.
I thought that prown was a prawn with delusions of grandeur….
Thanks for this lovely post.
All the best, Boonie
Joan - oh hells to the yeah. I should certainly use it for announcements on the blog
Boonie - LOL yes it could also be that
I'm with Joan. That idea is fantastico! Which is French for awesome. Lol! Oh wait, that's an inside joke. Sigh.
I prefer the Horde because playing an Undead character is as awesome as it sounds. I sometimes miss WOW. Sometimes.
Well you could go back to playing it...but i wouldn't recommend it.
I love that pic of Yvie too. You should definitely go with Joan's idea. That would be amazing.
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