The first one is the Over the Top Award which I received from the lovely Courtney Reese

This one comes with the following rules: Answer the following questions with Single Word answers then pass this along to 5 other bloggers. As usually feel free to play along or not, to each their own.
Your Cell Phone? red
Your Hair? meh
Your Mother? awesomesauce
Your Father? smart
Your Favourite Food? steak
Your Dream Last Night? forgot
Your Favourite Drink? water
Your Dream/Goal? Published
What Room Are You In? living
Your Hobby? Writing
Your Fear? ghosts
Where Do You See Yourself In Six Years? living
Where Were You Last Night? Home
Something That You Aren't? male
Muffins? blueberry
Wish List Item? money
Where Did You Grow Up? home
Last Thing You Did? blog
What Are You Wearing? PJs
Your TV? Bravia
Your Pets? adorable
Friends? great
Your Life? good
Your Mood? tired
Missing Someone? yes
Vehicle? sassy
Something You Aren't Wearing? Socks
Your Favourite Store? barnes
Your Favourite Colour? green
When Was The Last Time You Laughed? Today
Last Time You Cried? forget
Your Best Friend? Anne
One Place You Go To Over And Over Again? Home
Facebook? sigh
Favourite Place To Eat? Fogo
And the 5 bloggers I send this to are:
Leasie at Leasie Writes
Southpaw at Scribbles and Splashes
KL at The Far Side of Nowhere
Julie at The Climb
Kristy at Stark Raving Zen
Also I received the Happy Award again from the fantastic Roni at fiction groupie.

Check out her awesome blog!
But, because I've already received this award, I will hold off on listing another 10 items (or in my case, 11...).
Tomorrow will most likely be a post regarding the day of my birth, which was yesterday, and then we should be back to our regularly scheduled programs (whatever that may be...)
Happy Birthday, Lady!
Congratulations on your awards. I got a message asking me to stop commenting on someone's that's a distinction, right?
I kid, I kid!
Congrats on the awards. Better start building a shelf to put them on! :)
Happy Birthday (via blogger)!
Congrats on the awards, Sarah! I'm super impressed you answered every questions with just one word. That's hard to do!
Happy Birthday!!!
((hugs)) Nicole
Happy birthday Sarah!!! I hope it was awesomesauce, like your mommy. And thank you for the award! I'll have to play later! :)
Congrats on the awards!! Love your comment on your hair. I think I feel the same way most days (not about your hair, but my own).
Congratulations! Your many awards show just how much more awesome you are at this blogging thing than other people, who will remain nameless and ashamed...ok, it's me.
And happy birthday, again!
p.s. ghosts aren't scary, only curious.
Happy Birthday. :)
ghosts are totes scary
Anne- BAH! :)
Congrats on your award.
Oh! And congrats on your winnings from Cruising Altitude! That's how I found you.
I wish my favorite drink was water. It is so healthy, but alas, it is not. :(
Congrats and thanks.
Joan - first off, great new avatar ;D also, you're like one of the best commenters EVAH so i don't believe your story for one moment!
DL - yes i guess so, and here i thought, like you, i wouldn't get anymore because i cheated and changed the rules...
Teebore - i thought we've discussed my fear of ghosts before? They are terrifying! Paranomal activity backs me up
Nicole - to be fair i used one or two more than once. But not "awesome". i tried to be good with that one
Zen - thanks! feel free to play or not, it's totes up to you
Carolina - but you have nice straight hair! Mine's both straight and curly. sigh
Palindrome - have you seen paranormal activity or poltergeist? i rest my case
Dominique - thanks!
Anne - yes they are. AFter i watch ghost hunters i think "i bet i could live in a haunted house" but it's complete BS
Palidrome - we're going to have to have a chat about this...
G - Thanks and thanks for stopping by! also, your avatar is so awesome i cried a little...
Southpaw - yeah i have to say i lucked out in that. i pretty much drink it non stop, but that's not to say i don't enjoy an occasional diet pepsi...
congrats on the awards ;)
As you probably saw, my favourite colour is also green ;)
Love posts like this, that dish a bit of dirt :)
Hi Again!! Wanted to let you know you've received another award! Just pop back over to my blog (*wink, wink*) to check it out!
Congratulations! And I noticed that you're reading Brent Weeks' series--I *loved* it! Liking it?
Dezmond - i love green. Mostly i love earth tones, but green is my automatic answer
Wendy - there's a lot of dirt over here ;D
Nicole - Thanks! I'll check it out right now!
Summer - totes loving them. I'm about 50% of the way done with the last one. So much drama!
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