Don't worry, I'll try not to let George hijack the blog post any more. Who does he think he is, distracting me with hose water? What a jerk.
And yeah his poop song is all hoity toity and junk, but he forgot to mention that he pees on paper bags. And sometimes shoes. So there!
It's been raining here for pretty much two weeks straight. Which means no walks and pottying with water on your head. Not fun, ape-friends. Not fun at all. How's a dog 'sposed to enjoy her summer if it's just gonna rain forever?
It's ridiculous.
Anyway, onto the words!
Indam - an inland dam

Stimsin - a sinful stimulant

Gultion - gumption for gulls

Undourid - to undo being dour ridden. Yes it's overly complicated but who cares? Not me, that's who, and I'm in charge of this exercise.
Persive - person cursive. Not that I can think of anyone other than a person who would use such an archaic method of communication

Brids - bird bids. OR bird brides. I'm being magnanimous so take your pick

Stay dry, ape-friends!
I love rain so no complaints. Tornados? I'd rather not. But I do so love summer storms!
so viagra would be a stimsin? *wink wink nudge nudge*
and because I used the V word, am I now considered a spammer? Please say yes please say yes! *eyes closed, fingers crossed*
I like stimsin too!
And I'm feeling your pain. It's rainy here too, but also 90 degrees and tornadic. NOT FUN.
We've had more rain than we need over here as well - and I'm not liking it. What I do like is the bird bride it!
Palindrome - yeah no thanks on the tornadoes. Good thing they missed us last night. and no, you're not a spammer
Summer - yeah yesterday it was 88, ridculously windy and then tornadic. SO FUN! We're weather twins!
Jaydee - aren't those little birds ADORABLE?
Haha! Sinful Stimulants. I will more than gladly trade our heat wave for your rain. My grass is burnin up ack. How does 110 degrees sound, deal? I have an award for you on my blog :D Have a fantastic weekend!
Haha - I love the suggestions for stimsin! I think my personal favourite was undourid, though. I am trying very hard to use it in a sentence...
Pffft... Not that I can think of anyone other than a person who would use such an archaic method of communication Ahahahaha...
And I'm kinda' freaked out about those brids...
I'll go with bird brides. And agree about the cursive.
@Summer: I love the word "tornadic". Just FYI.
Persive: Man, cursive is so archaic. I take great pleasure in the fact that, despite what my second grade teacher told me, I am an adult and am doing fine without cursive.
Erica - yeah no thanks. You can keep your heat wave
Cruella - yeah i think it's over the top complicated, but also awesome
Aching - awwww! They're adorable
Alex - cursive is so ridiculous
Teebore - those teachers think they're sooooo smart. I don't even use algebra.
Watch out for those sinful stimulants, Yvie! That would be rawhide in our household. :)
Okay, I'm doing my rain-rain go away dance for the puppies! No fun staying inside. Boo!
We've been heat waving here in NJ for a couple weeks...I haven't seen a drop of rain in weeks either. We have irrigation/sprinklers but the lawn is still browning on us, and I have to water all my pots and containers a couple of times/day. I wish some of your rain would float on over...but it keeps going north of us.
He pees on bags??? He's a weird dude.
Oh Yvie, I'm so sorry for the rain. I know how hard it is to not go outside. And George, well, you have to cut him some slack I think, he is a BOY after all and you know how dumb boys are. Peeing on paper bags. Geesh!
Great words as usual. Have a great weekend.
OMG whom are those doggies slaughtering in the first pic?!!!?
Yvie! Come down to New Mexico! It doesn't rain for two weeks straight down here, nor does it have mosquitoes to give you heartworm, nor does it freeze your toezies in the wintertime. New Mexico- for civilized apes...
Hey, Falen, just letting you know that you won an award over at my blog, so check that out! :D
Looking forward to your Movie Dirty Dozen on Monday!
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