It's Me, Yvie, here to provide you with our weekly dose of definitions to word verification words.
It stopped raining here. Well kinda. I mean, it hasn't been raining every day which is kind of nice. But now it's been muggy and hot. Boo on that. Still, it's now officially summer so maybe things will even out a bit. I'm hoping I can get through the whole summer without getting stung by any bees. Bees are my enemies, you see, and I hate them even though my nickname is Miss Bee.

Hate them. So. Much.
Onto the words!
Coodis - a pigeon insult

Mati - the kid who has the power of Heart on Captain Planet. Fun discussion: Heart is generally consider the lamest of powers, but in all honesty it could totally be awesome. If stupid Mati wasn't around, then you could have Polar Bears mauling people (like Loot and Plunder) instead of monkeys throwing bananas or whatever lame thing Mati had the animals do.

Entanic - the most luxurious unsinkable ship ever built for ents. Unfortunately, ents don't swim. Not at all...

Pansies - a violet, Viola tricolor hortensis, cultivated in many varieties, having richly and variously colored flowers. This was a real VW that showed up.

Fache - a false soreness

See you next week, Ape Friends!
why is the guy with the fache naked?
I'm sorry it's so hot up there Yvie. It's hot down here too. I love your words this week, especially coodis, and fache. Have a great weekend and stay away from the bees!
Love your words. Bees are my enemies too. Don't they get it--I swat at them that means leave me alone.
Anne - because being nakid is the only way to properly convey a back ache. Real or fache
Piedmont - Coodis is one of those words that had an abvios meaning as soon as i saw it
Christine - Bees are dumb. And i hate it when they get in the house because i know of no good way of getting them out
All flying insects LOVE me. Right now I have about 42 mosquito bites on my legs. They don't touch my husband. Not fair!!
I like fache. Mostly just because of the photo. :-)
I like coodis, too.
I like to think that Mati had a hidden violent streak, and the power of Heart was what kept him in check. Either that or his ring had the power to stop hearts....
And is it bad that when I saw the pansies pic all I could see was the 'Golden Afternoon' song from Alice in Wonderland?
I hear you on the bees - I've already been stung once this summer. Oh, and send the guy with the Fache my way - I know just the cure ;)
Ents may not be able to swim - but at least they'd float!
Thanks Yvie, love your newfinitions as always!
Today's guest blogger is Tahereh AKA TH Mafi!
Yvie, tell mama to keep the Benadryl on hand incase one of those nasty bees get you! Our neighbor used to have a German Shepherd that liked to eat bees!!
Heat has melted my brain, quite sure of it. HAHA, coodies! and I love the false pain picture :D *erasing red false pain area*
Poor Yvie! We got the humid thing going on, too...
*snort*--coodis is brilliant...
and naked isn't just for people with pain, real or fache... it's for everybody.
I agree, in order to completely understand the fache, one must be nekkid.
Entanic was good. I should've kept track - I saw a lot of real words this week.
Entanic! ha ha!
Thanks as always!
I don't recall letting you use the picture of my sexy back to illustrate "the fache"!!!!
Dezmond - LMFAO!
Jamie - that is perhaps the most awesome explanation of Mati. Ever.
Heh. Fache. Nice.
Also, don't you hate it when when word verification words are actual words? The hells, blogger?
Teebore - i know! i'm both tickled and irritated by it...
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