Is everyone excited for the holiday weekend? (and of course by everyone I mean all of you in the states. You canucks already had your holiday so don't get greedy)
I am. I know some dogs get scared by fireworks, but not me. Actually not any of us dogs. If I can stand a little thunder, then what's a firework, amiright?
The good thing about this weekend is that the rest of the family will come over for some badminton if the weather is good enough, or board games if it's rainy. What it really means is that I'm going to get a lot of attention. I mean, A LOT.
I am, after all, the favorite.
Onto the words!
Culturse - a cultist's purse. You know, so they can carry their Kool-Aid, or their shaving cream for when their hair starts to grow out

Unbat - when you take back a hit in baseball. Why? I dunno.

Conisp - a will-o'-the-wisp for cons. You ever notice that a lot of these words revolve around cons? It's weird.

Rhaming - when you ram your rhymes down someone else's throat.
Stoneseti - radio antenna to monitor space for stones. I believe they're out there...

I'll see you all next week, ape-friends! Try to keep your fingers attached.
the stones are out there, watching...waiting. They're in league with the sunflowers, I just know it!!
Hehehe... I LOVE that Cuckoo bag! I want one! :-D Hope your weekend is sunny and filled with many fireworks!
PS: How are your plants? I've lost my squash and zucchini to squash borers *grumble*
Palindrome - yes they are...
Summer - i LOL when i found that tote!
And so far pretty good. the spinach didn't come up and the thyme died unexpectedly but otherwise, good. Ugh i hope we don't have any borers.
Liked the Rhaming. Enjoy your weekend of attention, Yvie.
Hahahaha! The Rhaming one is so wrong *gutter brain*. I have an award for you but you beat me to it, and you can most certainly steal the Dean pic and call it your fantasy award :D
Have a fantastic 4th weekend!
hehe. You know my dog got scared the other night when there was thunder and lightning. she came and stood outside our bedroom door wimpering! :o(
Man, there have been far too many hits I'd like to see become unbats against the Twins lately...
Love these as always, but my favorite part of Fridays has to be the sign off to all the 'ape friends'!
Hey, found you through Alex J. Cavanaugh. Our blogs were featured together on his.
Ramming made me laugh out loud. That happens to me all the time. The others were funny too. I think I will return - at least ever Friday.
Badminton! The most overlooked of lawn-sports, how I love thee! My sister and I have had some fierce badminton games. Have a great weekend!
My favourite it stoneseti. I believe those stones are out there. Watching us all, and with the patience of ages ...
Happy 4th !
Rhaming definitely was the winner this week :D Haha! Love the Friday words!
thanks everyone! sorry it took me so long to respond - was out again all weekend
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