Last weekend we had tornadoes. They tasted terrible. I kid, I kid.

For reals, though, we were watching Whale Wars when suddenly we hear this terrible wail. Mom later said it sounded like a fallout siren. We live near a tornado siren, but this was different. George and I barked and the humans ran to find Tula.
What was the sound you ask? Tula, howling a terrible death wail. I guess the tornado siren was going off and she was warning us (stoopid show off, thinks she's so great with her weather warning howls).
So it was off to the basement with us. Which was AWESOME!! My most favorite chair is down there, so I jumped on that and scratched at it. Then I had to put on a collar and a leash "just in case". I got real excited that we were going to go on a walk, but apparently walks are right out when there's tornadoes.
So I spent my time beating up giant stuffed pig and chewing on George's legs when he wasn't looking.
It was so much fun, I can't wait until we have some more tornadoes.
Onto the words! ENHANCE!
Phoses - photoed roses. Their thorns don't prick, but they don't smell very nice

Hydre - when Dr Dre hydrates

Poting - when a potent pot pouts. HA!

Airail - when ailing air eats aioli. DOUBLE HA!

Clead - clean lead. OR, OR lead cleats. Take your pick.

See you next week Ape-Friends!
Watch our, Yvie, or your mama will have to rename you Toto! :)
When we used to have tornado warnings, we had to cram into our 5x7 tornado shelter with four family members and our 120-lb Golden Retriever. He thought it was the greatest. We thought it was the worst...
Janel - Ha!
Summer - dogs and their love of emergencies...
We had big boomers too last week and my two crawled into my lap and stayed there. They would not let me get up and when I finally did they followed me everywhere. And cried. Babies!
Great words as usual Yvie. And don't worry about Tula. She's just jealous of you and your awesomeness.
Yay tornadoes! I mean, yay you survived the tornado! And yay airail!
(Your dog is a natural born comedian!)
Good thing you are o.k.! Dogs are amazing creatures. Love the words as always.
Love the words. I'll take prickly thorns any day if the roses smell great. Roses are supposed to smell great.
I heart you very much Yvie. You make my Friday every week.
Also, Sarah, wasn't it you who recommended Whale Rider to me? If so it was AWESOME. If not, never mind.
Holy crap, that would have scared the life out of me - and one of my dogs. Thunder puts her in a panic. I can't imagine trying to control her during a tornado.
Love the words as usual. Have a great weekend :)
Eeeek, tornados scare me! It's seeing the natural disaster coming at you, and you really don't know where it'll go. I don't live anywhere near where tornados mostly happen, thank goodness!
I like the roses one. So funny!
Yvie, I'm glad you enjoyed your tornado!
Yvie's the best!
I live airail.
Glad you got through the tornados OK...
Piedmont - storms have never bothered any of our dogs. which is a good thing
Cruella - Ha! And yeah, she tries...
Christine - thanks! And yes they are
Stina - me too. the real things are always better
Matthew - it was! And isn't it JUST FANTASTIC?! ugh i love it so much. now i need to watch it again...
Jaydee - yeah, the last thing you'd need during a tornado is a panicking dog. That would suck (no pun intended)
Laura - yeah it sucks not knowing if you're house it going to get destroyed or if it's just going to rain.
Alex - she did indeed. at least it was entertaining watching her
Talli - thanks. We are too.
Wow, tornadoes! I'm glad you're all okay!
Hydre - haha! I always get a kick out of these words.
Haha! Hydre! Word, I'm gonna Hydre now.
I love Yvive and her Supreme Understanding that all of life is for her amusement alone. Girl after my own heart.
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