Mostly because I was mucking about on and once I had made some pretty cards, well, I couldn't NOT order them, right? Right.
Moo is awesome because they let you use different pictures for each card, let you upload your own pics, and let you order them in increments of 50 cards, as opposed to the typical 200 forced by other card places.
Here's what they ended up looking like:
if you look closely at this one, there are little people, fairies and animals in the trees
I didn't even notice the bunny at the prow until my mom pointed him out

and here's the back of them. I'm pleased with the awesome dried flowers header, but a bit jealous of Palindrome's pile o' books header.
So do you have business cards?
I have business cards...but they're nowhere near as cute and colorful as yours :)
Nice design choices!
Your cards are awesome. I don't have any. Mostly because I don't have a reason or people to hand them out to.
Wow, those are so cool!! And I think your dried flowers header is very nice.
I might have to visit this site...
You know, I had just heard about moo the other day -- the business card place, not the cow sound -- and it's cool to hear that you're happy with them. I'm looking to get some cards myself and it is always nice to hear a positive testimonial from a "real" person! :)
p.s. Those are some seriously great-looking cards you designed.
Love the look of your cards. I haven't taken this step yet...hopefully I will someday :)
I have business cards, but they're very simple. Black and white with the silhouette of cat sitting on my last name, reaching down to play with the dot in the i of "Suzi". I'll have to check out :)
I'm not ready for cards yet, but yours are awesome!!!
yep, that one with a scull is really a professional one :PPP but I absolutely adore the one with the little people, fairies and animals in the trees :)
Mohamed - Thanks! And thanks for stopping by!
Christi - well to be fair, the only ones i've handed out are to family members and friends, but i figure it would be easier than trying to give people my blog link
Summer - You should! I bet you'd make some really nice cards, judging by how awesome all your blog templates are
J.M. - thanks! I originally heard about MOO from another blogger. Rachel Alpine, i think?
Jaydee - i wasn't planning on getting them now, but once i had made them, well, i wanted them
Suzi - aww! Your cards sound awesome!
DL - i bet you're more ready than you think. At the very least, it's easier to give out your blog info
Dezmond - it doesn't surprise me at all that you like the cat one...
Ooh! Pretty! I've been thinking about getting business cards ever since someone asked me for one at BEA (it was the guy I asked about doing the poetry giveaway for) But then I wonder if I actually need them yet. But they're so PRETTY! :D
I gots to get me some!
Oh, those are just fantastic. I love how colorful they all are, and the fairy people in the cat one. Jealous! These will leave that first great impression and people will want to look at the business cards and wow these are simply awesome!
Beautiful! I do have business cards, my BIL made them. I find that I hardly use them though, even at conferences and such.
Sonshine - that is the reason i jumped on the card wagon
Teebore - yes you do!
Erica - thanks! I like to look at them frequently because they're so pretty
Elana - i figure, at the very least, i can stick them in drawings at restaurants for free meals and junk
Those are beautiful! I'd love to get some made but am not sure about what picture to use. I'll have to go check out that sight. I totally love the cat one.
Holy crap those are beautiful! Especially that greyscale one.
Fallen, they turned out great!
Piedmont - those were all pictures that the site provided. there were a lot of different options
Mathew - yeah that one and the ship one are my favs
Alex - thanks!
haha, I didn't think I was being clever by putting the books. I thought it was obvious.
I like yours a lot though. I was so torn and didnt' have a twin to justify getting two. :P
Those are GORGEOUS! Well done!
Ooooo, those are lovely! I don't have any reason for business cards (yet), they do seem to be getting popular with authors though. I've been looking at vistaprint for business cards and other business-y stuff (for non-writing venture), they're pretty reasonable too. And they have stuff other than business cards. I'm kind of tempted to get a tote bag from there once I get a book published and stick my cover art on it ^_^
Palindrome - clearly it wasn't THAT obvious because it didn't even occur to me. And yes, having Twin rocks
Hart - thanks!
MRJ - i don't really have much of a reason yet either, but now i'm prepared.
Very, very cool. I like those a lot. :)
Holy gorgeous!!! I am so jealous right now. Those are truly fantastic!
Sarahjayne - thanks!
Alexandra - you should make some pretty one - then i'll be jealous of you
I love your cards, Sarah! My favorites are, of course, the whimsical kitty one with hidden fairies and the ship one with the bunny. I'd love to make some cards, but I'd have to settle with calling them 'contact cards' as I have no business venture to speak of... :) I can't wait to catch up on your blog. I've been away for FAR too long. Life gets in the way, you know? I hope that someday when I come back to visit MN that we can get together for some food and drinks or something. :)
Kristy - contact cards is a smart idea though. It's so much easier than writing down email addresses and blog links and phone numbers
Super cool business cards! Will you be going to any conferences soon? I'll be at WFC in October. Any chance you're going to that one? I also have business cards, but I no longer like them. *sigh* I should've known that would happen.
Carolina - i wish! But probably no more this year unless they're local. However i have promised myself to try and hit Wiscon in 2011. I'ma force Palindrome to come as well...
They came out great. I think just having them to drop a few everywhere you go (table at the cafe, shelf of the bookstore, etc) would get some fun traffic through the blog.
How pretty! I like the idea of business cards (and pretty ones at that) but I don't know who I'd give them out to. But at least you'll have them when that opportunity comes, at a conference or similar function.
So awesome! I don't have any, but now seeing yours and Palindrome's I want some. I may not have anyone to give them to (yet), but I can tape them around the house.
Dude, these are SO badass!! Lola likey...nah, Lola LOVES!!! Srsly, so yummy. I loves the skull and the gray scale fairies/kitty...and the ship w/ the bunny.
Lola - thanks! those are my favs as well, though only one person has taken the skull
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