I'm still on line edits. They're taking a bit longer than anticipated, but what can you do? I still hope to have most, if not all, revising done on it before NaNo, but we'll see. November is coming up pretty quickly. I'm going to try a few new things this NaNo, including allowing myself to read over the previous day's work and correct typos etc. All assuming I have time that day.
Right now I've got about 1/4 of Foxfire line edited. But that includes both on paper and on the digital copy. I do about 10 pages by hand, and then upload those changes on my computer. I've already seen a few big changes I want to make regarding scene organization and possible scene cutting, but we'll see. I'll have to come up with some sort of additional conflict or action if I decide to cut a few scenes, just to fill it out (not that you can ever really have too much of either)
I'll still need one or two more line edits after this one is done, but once first line edits are completed it'll be much easier to handle the other revisions with a cleaner manuscript.
How's your WIP coming? Are you writing, revising? And will you be doing NaNo 2011?
Also, did you see Inception? Cuz we did and it was AWESOME

I have three WIPs that I'm currently editing *insert stressed face here* lol I signed up for NaNo! Can't wait! Haven't seen it yet, but SOOOOO WANT TO!!!
Re-write is going well for me, slow but steady. Inception looks AWESOME!
The WIP is going pretty good right now - I hope I can keep up the momentum now that I'm back to work. Good luck on the editing!
Babydoll - 3?! i had a hard enough time with Foxfire and a short story at the same time
Mathew - good to hear! You've got a lot more words to cover than i do
Jaydee - momentum is always a plus. even if you just do a page a day, that's 365 pages in a year
I'm glad you like INCEPTION....I can't wait to see it! Although I'm behind on my Leo movies, I still haven't seen SHUTTER ISLAND. Ugh!
rachele - yeah we haven't seen shutter island yet either, though it's on the top of my netflix queue
I jsut started editing the first act of my current wip knowing I can't get through the second act without it. Too many holes. Hopefully by the end of the week I'll have something more substantial.
Line edits suck but it does make for easier cleaning.
Probably going to see Inception this week sometime; can't wait! Also, I may dive into revisions on my latest tomorrow or the next day...maybe....
Inception was freaking AWESOME. (He really is my favorite director; always willing to be unique.)
Yes, I'll be Nano-ing again this year.
I haven't had time to look at my WiP revisions in a couple months...I've been busy or on vacation. Today I'm going to work on critiquing a couple chapters for my CP's, then I'm going to finally get back to MY WiP.
Happy Monday, my friend.
Hey, I always mean to ask you...where'd you get that steampunk hat?
Inception rocked!
And I edit in much the same manner - some by hand, some on the computer.
Piedmont - things do tend to go smoother if the holes are filled in
Summer - ooh it's awesome! You will enjoy yourself
Lola - it was so great. And revising can't beat vacay.
Also the hat came from MN renaissance festival - there will be plenty of posts about that in a few weeks
Alex - i wish i had a monkey or something to make the changes on the computer for me, since they don't require brains
I've heard amazing things about Inception, but I am sooo behind on latest movies. I still haven't seem Toy Story 3 yet! *gasp*
I'm in the waiting period before I start editing my latest novel, giving it space first so I can forget about it. ;)
I think I approach things similarly--basic clean-up or it drives me NUTS, then the BIG EDITS, then a clean up again, and finally a polish.
My current WiP is about 2/3 done (finished chapter 14--think it will be 21), then I have a LARGE STACK of editing to get back to. I am going to try to fit in NaNoWriMo, but the WiP I am working on right now has a deadline, so it depends on it being in relatively clean form by the beginning of November.
Shelley - both are excellent. Anf being in the waiting phase is the best time because you can pretty much do whatever you want
Hart - hopefully you'll be all cleaned up by then and can join in the nano fun!
Hi, I'm a new follower. I popped over via Talli's blog:)
I'm revising. I just sent my draft off to my CP for feedback.
As for the next WIP I've got a couple of other ideas. It depends which one talks the loudest.
Inception looks amazing. I can't wait to go see that!
Editing is a long road, but it will be so worth it!
I haven't seen Inception yet but everyone's raving about how awesome it is. I guess I'll have to check it out. Thanks for the heads up!
Lindsay - thanks for stopping by! And i'm with you - there are plenty of stories on the backburner and i usuually go with whichever one is either the loudest or the most planned out (usually they're the same)
Jackee - oooh you should! the writing is great!
Thanks for becoming my follower! In the interest of honesty in blogging, I gotta say it was Yvie that drew me in!!!
I need to be able to get away, but with two young kids and wifey working its not easy. If I do go, they want to tag along and watch something else. Sigh. But I should be able to sneak away sometime this week.
Stephen Tremp
Wow I don't think I've been here since you changed your blog design! I really like it! Line editing. I hate it. Both as a writer and an editor. It's so tedious. But so necessary. *sigh*
Bossy - well to be fair, you wouldn't be the first who was drawn in by mis diva.
Stephen - yeah the cut down in theater time is one of the biggest drags i can think of about parenthood. Remember when theaters used to have baby/child rooms?
Karen - thanks! I both love and hate line editing. i hate that i have SO MUCH of it today, but normally i quite enjoy the fixing.
I definitely want to do NaNo this year - I signed up last year, but didn't input any word count at all!
And I think I am going to see that movie this weekend - it's been getting such rave reviews!
WritingNut - you should totes do it! and the movie is awesome!
Ooooh, good luck with the editing, I find it so boring, like reading the same book again over and over. Well, after all, it is literally re-reading a book.
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