Well it snowed here last weekend, and though we all hoped maybe it would melt, it didn't. We're officially into winter and soon not even doggy sweaters and boots will be enough for us to keep up on our morning walks.
But that's OK - snow also means Christmas, which also means presents! So I'll take a little snow.
Onto the words!
*Bions - Ions who find both ion genders sexy
dead sexy
*Frogirsu - tiramisu for frogs. Yes, it has bugs in it.

*Snugglyd - When one is attacked by a Snuggie

*Disherna - When one insults a hernia. Which isn't very nice, they're just doing their jobs by messing up your insides.
I couldn't find a hernia picture that wasn't gross or safe for work, so instead, enjoy this LOLCat

*Haudi - A Saudi Arabian cowboy.

And that's it for this week ape-friends! Stay warm!
*Words and/or definitions provided by Anne Gallagher
I'm in a completely different time zone, so I get to be first--yay!
Haudi--made of LOL:))
And that LOLcat--hilarious! And I just got my tickets for the new Harry Potter movie--and I get to go All By Myself. WooHoo!
No snow here yet:(( We probably won't get any... and I assume that picture of Yvie was taken some time *before* the snow? It's OK, Yvie--it won't hurt you! Speaking of dogs and snow and booties--there's a brilliant new post up at Hyperbole and a Half about that very thing:))
Haudi = hilarious!!
I can't imagine living anywhere that cold. I was born in Germany and have baby pictures of me wrapped up like Ralphie's little brother in A Christmas Story, but I don't remember it. All my memories take place here, in the temperate winter, where our idea of freezing is 45. :)
Just looked at those again, and-- Snugglyd. Wow--that's like Japanese Mommy Coat Design crossed with Alien... useful. But scary...
Hi Summer! Thanks for following:)) Stop by any time! Where in Germany were you born (I lived in Hamburg in college and taught high school German for several years, that's why I'm asking:))
That snuggie is kind of creepy.
I totally love the pictures, especially the snuggy. Creepy.
Don't worry Yvie, the snow will melt by next year. IF you want, you can send some down here to us. I'm hankering for some.
Have a great weekend.
Bions. Heh.
Love the Snuggylyd picture.
@Summer: me wrapped up like Ralphie's little brother in A Christmas Story
"I can't put my arms down!"
"You can put your arms down when you get to school."
Funny cuz it's true...
This is by far the best one yet! Thanks Yvie.
LOL THE SNUGGIE! Who would have ever thought that blanket with sleeves would be such a staple in our holiday market...and dog friendly.
Loved the words as always.
I was just over at Hart's blog and saw that you'll be seeing Potter in 10ish hours. HAVE FUN and a fab weekend!
@yokohamamama- we were cracking up yesterday on the new hyperbole post
that snuggy picture is creepy
i loled at the 'dead sexy' comment
Good job, Yvie! The first one rocks. Both ways.
Hahahaha! Love Haudi! Great post by Yvie as usual!
These were great this week!
Yokohama - hah! Hyperbole and a Half is so full of win! And we;re seeing HP tonight. Cannot wait!
Summer - the cold is awesome because it makes you appreciate the heat that much more
Yokohama - yeah the snuggie pic is both awesome and terrifying
Maria - it's a bit more than just kind of creepy
Anne - we'd mail some for you, but no one wants to get soggy cardboard in the mail
Teebore - so true. And putting on and taking off winter boots at school was always a bitch
Matthew - yvie says anytime
Erica - i'm so excited! And i was one of those snuggie naysayers until i got one (from bose) and it's awesome
Anne - yeah i cracked myself up over the dead sexy remark as well
Alex - Ha! Zing!
Talli - that one was all Anne, and i cracked up when she sent it to me
Holly - thanks! It helps that Anne's words are so awesome
Bions! These are great! I don't know where you get these; your brain must be a fun place to hang out!
Eeek! Blue pod children!
Yeah, this next batch of funny words had me laughing.
Haha, I love these, especially bions. Hope you've had a good weekend!
LOL, great pictures. The Snugglyd made me laugh!
*sigh* Snow.
Wait. I feel that I must re-phrase that: *sad sigh* Snow.
That Snugglyd picture is SO TERRIFYING! *faints* I have an aversion/fear of Snuggies ever since I saw their creepy commercial song. Absolutely Awful, I promise you.
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