So I finally got my tax money which is awesome. Since Twin and I bought our house, the tax breaks have been much better.
This year I decided that I should buy a new laptop. I haven't had a brand new computer in over 10 years and my current laptop was refurbished when I bought it around 7-8 years ago.
Old laptop perks:
Stylish NaNoWriMo sticker
Familiarity = ease of use-ability
Keyboard molded to my fingers = less typos
All my music stored
New Laptop perks:
Speakers that work
Mouse that works
Shiny and new
Full keyboard so I can use the number pad
Wide screen monitor so I can easily update blogger layout
HDMI output so we can hook it up to the TV and watch the laptop stuff on our awesome TV
Nice video card = Sims and other PC game compatibility
Sunday evening we started up Sims and made a new family. It was fun because while one of us played, the rest could watch on the TV.
Ah Sims. Will we ever break free from your clutches?

All signs point to No...
It's always nice to get some shiney and new ;-) I'm pretty attached to my ol' beat up laptop though. Doubt I will every replace
Matthew Rush is doing a guest blog for me today. Check out my blog is you get chance. Thanks.
Awwww, dude! I'm so excited for your laptop!! I love my new laptop...still. I probably shouldn't call it new anymore. Now you can watch all the links I send you!!
Shiny!! My poor old laptop bit the dust last year. It was quite sad, and then we got the netbook to replace it. (Not worth it, but it serves its purpose.)
"All I have is a Sims family that keeps getting MURDERED!" -Liz Lemon
Love that show. And love the Sims!
You can type on a laptop? That right there deserves some props. I could never do it.
Congrats on the new toy/tool!
Ah. New things. Gotta love it.
Congrats on the new computer! So much fun to get one of those =) The ONLY think I miss about my old one is the full number keyboard...
Justine - i'm keeping my old one. I'll either give it to Brother so he can use it for nerdy purposes or it will serve as my backup
Palindrome - true! It's nice to have speakers that work. AND i can watch the links on the TV
Summer - good to know about the netbook because sometimes i'm tempted...
Mathew - i have no choice, my desktop bit the dust around 6 years ago and i have no room for a new one. I used to be a desktop purist, but when NaNo came around, i had to use the laptop or fail
Tara - thanks! And yes, new things are indeed awesomesauce
Sara - i NNED a number pad. Once you learn how to use that sucker it's painful to be forced to use the numbers at the top of the board
Congrats on the new laptop. I got a new one this year and love it.
I love the Sims too. I was so addicted at one time. I haven't had time to play lately.
I love getting new gadgets. New computer looks awesome.
I so need to get a laptop, then I could write by the pool. By the way, when are coming down?
I'm.So.Jealous.I.Mean.Happy.For.You!!!!! I just posted on Lola's blog that I want a laptop so bad!!! Our family tax money went to airline tickets to France. Now, I know what you're thinking. Waaaa, you have to go to France...but in my twisted way of thinking, the trip will be over in three weeks (I hear you groan) but a laptop I could use all year...
Okay, I'll shut up now. I swear, embracing my inner petulant child has its downside...!
Enjoy your laptop!!
Christine - our addiction waxes and wanes like the moon. We never know when it will pop up again...
Alex - thanks - i'm looking forward to your ipad post
Piedmont - lol - and yeah, i always plan to write outside but have yet to do it.
Nicole - yeah i'm more of a material possession girl than i am a travelling girl, so in my mind, the laptop is a win
Hurray for good tax returns and shiny, new laptops! :-)
Since Twin and I bought our house, the tax breaks have been much better.
Shut it. Just...shut it.
Congrats on the new laptop!
Congrats! New, shiny things are fun.
Shannon - yeah an influx of money is always nice
Teebore - i'm telling you, something's not right with you...
Southpaw - they are indeed! thanks!
I've considered buying a new laptop but mine is still in really good condition and I've been raised to use the crap out of everything I buy. So I'll be sticking with my ol' HP from 2004 for a while yet.
But you successfully distracted me with new laptop's shininess!
E - LOL! Yeah i felt a bit bad about it since old laptop was still completely useable. But then i remembered the mouse pad doesn't work, the speakers don't work, it's really slow etc etc.
Yay for new laptops! My husband got me one for Christmas and I nearly went crazy for the sheer joy of it!
It's so nice to have something shiny and new. Enjoy!
congrats on the new laptop, I remember the love at first sight moment - when I bought my Apple laptop :)
I got a shiny new laptop a few months ago--well actually my cousin got a new laptop. But he is not using it nearly enough nor is he giving it the proper love and attention it needs, so I've taken it over. I've already changed the desktop picture and named the laptop Ben Barnes :D
Ooh... I like the color.
And I'm thinking it's good that the sis and I don't have Sims, or we'd never go out into the sunlight.
Hurray for new Laptop! And Sims will forever be addicting!
Talli - oooh a new laptop for Christmas - that's like getting a puppy in your stocking!
Dezmond - i really was in love with this white sony, but the game card was better on the one i settled on.
XOXO - good on you, libertaing that poor negelected laptop
Aching - yeah it's horrible liek that. We go through cycles where we'll play it for a few weeks and be all manic, and then we'll stop for a few months or year. then it starts all over again
Kelly - there is no way to fully break away from the sims addiction...
Oh, those DAMN Sims! *sigh* I see your screenshot of the bistro :D I knew it instantly, cuz, yanno, I'm a slave to Sims 3 (WA) m'self. *tries to wrest herself from its evil pixelated clutches*
Zoe - since the new laptop has entered the house, we have all once again fallen to its sweet sweet siren song.
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