To be fair I think much of the story came up while I was sort-of half awake and trying to fall back asleep. But that doesn't matter!
This story seems like it would make a good YA trilogy. I've never overly considered doing something YA before, until now that is.
I'm actually quite excited about these stories (the dream covered books 1 and 2. But I'm a trilogy person so there would have to be a third one) and may start the first one for NaNo 2010.
What's it about? That's a closely guarded secret. The only thing I will tell you is that it involves a war.
Oh, and Sea Serpents.

Anyone else have new story ideas?
You got two stories from one dream? That must have been one seriously long dream! Good for you!
Yes, I have new story - too bad I'll never have time to write Gotta finish the first 12 in my head first ;-)
Nope, still editing my first novel. For whatever reason I only get inspired to do one thing at a time, at least so far that is.
Except for blogging of course, which doesn't count.
Justine - i have notoriously long dreams. They're like epic. And kind of awesome in that way
Mathew - sometimes i wish i would only get inspired by one thing at a time. i'd probably get things done faster. But then i'd be worried that i wouldn't have anything new to write when i was ready for a new project...
What a perfect time for this post! I had an epic dream last night myself and was just sitting here in front of my computer taking notes!
Dude, I totally love epic dreams which I can make a story from.
My dream last night consisted of vampires. Do you think their trend is over?
I'm on chapter 6 of my new WIP I started three weeks ago. It's so radically different from anything I've tried to do, so it's been fun so far.
I dreamed my mother divorced me.
Don't ask.
And I haven't allowed myself to think of anything new lately. Probably why my dreams have been punishing me.
I did actually just have a dream the other day that might make a story or part of a story. They always seem like good ideas until I start writing it down and realize how little sense it makes.
But I have been getting some new novel ideas...on the down low marinating currently.
Nothing new yet, but I've had a few ideas for my latest WIP.
I really need to dream. I'm impressed with yours. Two books? And that is one way cool serpant. :)
Oooh, sea serpents!! Tasty. I like it.
Hey, that comment you made on Anne's blog about how to do all that stuff with Google Reader may have changed my life. I think I love you.
Peace out,
Dude, it's eating my comments!! Wassup with Blogger, yo?! Grrr.
Okay, so I commented that sea serpents are full of badass awesome. Very excited for you to get cracking that.
Then I said that I think I may, possibly love you.
Because that comment you left on Anne's blog about how to actually use the google reader was life changing. Muchos Gracias.
Peace out,
Testing (blogger is eating my comments! Grrrr!!!)
An idea for a trilogy out of one dream?! And it involves sea serpents (love that picture btw)? Color me jealous. Good luck with it. Anything involving sea serpents is sure to be fun to write.
Anne FTW! Zing!
I wish I remembered my dreams...
@Anne- LMAO! Niiiice!
Steampunk sea serpents?
Dawn - yeah epic dreams are awesome. And i, too, am sitting on a vampire novel. The good thing about trends is they always come back around
Christi - fun is always good. Especiallt if it's fun because it's something new
Summer - i hate weird personal dreams like that. I'd much rather have weird dreams that i can make into a story!
Anne - i TOLD you that i had a dream where i had finished it, and apparently that dream made my subconscious forget all about your commission. I'll do it at some point. Stop your whining
Palindrome - you have even MORE novel ideas? You have a crap load as it is!
man, share the wealth...
J/K i'm happy with my handful on the backburner
Piedmont - i've read your sidebar and know you're working on quite a few ideas as is. i think you're good for awhile
Sarahjayne - do you not dream? Because that would stink. Unless you have nightmares, then i'm sure it would be better to not dream.
And yeah, i LOVE that sea serpent!
Lola - yeah blogger's been eating everyone's comments today. I've been very irritated with it.
And no problem with the google reader. Just sharing the love
angfla - i'm really excited about it too, since i don't usually mess with sea-faring folk
Teebore - yeah i wish you did too, because if they're anything like mine, they're awesome. Maybe you need to get more sleep? So you're more rested? I dunno. I just remember brother didn't dream until he got his sleep apnea fixed
Palindrome - oh please. Don't encourage her...
Barabara - it's funny you should say that because i actually AM thinking they society may have some steampunkish tendencies...
I know, I know! I made a list a couple of weeks ago. There's a lot but some of my combine to become one uber idea.
I'm sorry. It was really funny, reminded me of the stuff The Man says when I say I have a new idea.
Sea serpents? I like it.
And yeah, I have a new idea for a sequel to CassaStar.
Palindrome - oooh an uber idea? interesting
Alex - with a girl POV? ;)
Nothing new yet. My muse (if I have one) is currently making me focus on the WIP. Weird, considering she/he/it was throwing ideas at me during the creation of novel #1. Whatev.
Oh, Sea Serpents, yummy! :)
Cool! Dream-inspired stories are great!! I'm working on a new idea that will be set in France. Part of my vacation there this summer will be grassroots research. Can't wait!
I recently read a book about using your subconscious mind to come up with creative story ideas. The weird time between waking and sleeping is supposed to be one of the most creative times of all. The book even detailed how to purposely put yourself into that state.
As for me, I came up with a story before falling asleep last night too. Definitely not YA for me though!
Love me some sea serpents. I have a kraken obsession. I've always love him. Glad he's making a comeback with the new Clash of the Titans. ;)
@Janel- What was the name of the book you read? I am interested in checking that out.
War is a fabulous topic! (What a horrible thing to say as someone whose husband has deployed to Iraq and A-stan... but, it's true. Makes for so many levels of passion, conflict, anxiety, and every other single emotion a human possesses that there's no way to run out of conflict.)
Still. It is a fabulous topic. If it weren't, there wouldn't be so many movies about it.
Sea Serpents are definitely fun! Go for it :)
E Elle - I'm sure you have a muse, and when you find it you'll wonder how it took you so long. I didn't discover mine until i made a "drunken muse" offhannd comment and it was an epiphany that my muse IS the drunken muse
Dezmond - you're the second person that has mentioned sea serpents in relation to eating... it makes me think about possibilites for my culture...
Nicole - grassroots research sounds pretty awesome. I've never gone anywhere for research, let alone France!
Janel - that is exactly the time when the story really came together. That book sounds interesting, i'd like to read it if you can remember the title or author
Karen - yeah the Kraken is awesome and even though Clash of the TItans was OK, the Kraken was the best part of the movie
Inside - i agree. And i think war automatically adds conflict. In the first book i think the war will mostly be in the background (until the end) but the second and especially the third will really focus on the war
Jemi - thanks! I never would have ever thought to write a story about sea serpents. I guess my drunken muse knows just what bottles to throw at me
Ooooooo.... Sea Serpents?? :D
And do I have new story ideas? Try every stinkin' day. It's actually really annoying, because I am so add it's hard to focus on one idea at a time. Oh! Look! A sock.
See what I mean? I say such things, and then I think "What is the socks name? Why is his name Steve? Why would a sock have a name..." Ak! I'm doing it again!
*shuts up quickly*
Aching - LMAO!
You know, i used to be like that, especially in highschool. I would have ideas every single moment. But i think a lot of them weren't very useable.
Now i have less ideas, but the ones i do have seem to be more concrete and flushed out.
I don't know which is better
I think it's better to have useable ideas than just a boatload of ideas about socks. But that's just my opinion ;)
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