I got some exciting new yesterday. It came at a perfect time, right when I was feeling a bit frustrated by my lack of effort this week at revising (this is mostly due to the fact that I have Thursday and Friday off from work and have just kind of checked out)
I placed first in Chimera Critique's contest!
I'm so super excited about this!
I've been toying with the idea of using Chimera Critique once I get through my beta readers (you know who you are or will be...(*glares menacingly*)) so now I get a chance to try them out first!
I get a $20 giftcard to B&N (yay books!) and a first chapter critique. I'll have to check to see if there's a page limit on that, because, as we've discussed before, some of my chapters are a bit lengthy.
They also said they could do a query critique instead, which sorely tempted me, but I've pretty much come to the conclusion that my query needs to be rewritten, no matter how much I love it, and I don't want to deal with that right now.
This is just the kick in the bum I've needed to get my revisions back up to speed. I've been slacking a little too freely lately.
Anyone else have any good news they'd like to share?
That's WONDERFUL news!!!!! YAY!!!! Good for you~
Just anxiety filled work decision type news
A friend of mine had them crit her first chapter and she was impressed with their comments.
Congrats on winning the contest!
Justine - thanks!
Anne - yeah i hear that. I don't envy you
Congrats on winning! I will have to send my chapter to them.
Nice job!
Yay! Congratulations! Nice snippit, too. :-)
I don't have any news. I live a boring life...
Big congrats. That's wonderful.
I saw a beaturiful oragne Norhtern Cardinal this morning. That's got me all excited. :)
Congrats! Your writing definitely got my attention. :)
Woo hoo! That's great news, Sarah.
I've started announcing winners in my writing contest. Winning entries will be going up each day through Saturday.
congratulations, it's always nice to win.
Hey Congratulations! That's fantastic. Fabulous. Stupendous. Way to go.
Congrats, Sarah! How exciting!
Yesterday was gloomy and rainy, but today I awoke to sunshine and chirping birds. Happiness!
thanks everyone!
Thanks for submitting!! We look forward to reading your chapter (:
No news to report here, but congrats!
That's so brilliant! Congrats!
Well, you know my news... we'll see if it does turn out to be good or not!
That's amazing!!! Congratulations!!! Umm my exciting news is that I meet with my Crit Group tonight online for the first time and I'm super excited to show off my work! I also revised two chapters which I'm also happy about!!
Congratulations to you! I think that would be the best prize i could get, as I think on my only polished work, that first chapter is my trouble, but I don't know HOW (or I'd fix it, yeah?)
I'm awaiting news... hope it's good...
Yay! That's awesome, Falen. I'm so excited for you. :-)
Woo hoo! *throws confetti* CONGRATS!
nope. Computer is still broke. Sad but true. The End.
Congrats!!! My good news is I received an awesome Moleskin notebook in the mail today -- thank you, Sarah! I love it :))
Very cool. Congrats to you! :)
Congratulations!!! :)
Congrats, chickadee. I've no news. I did get my chocolate a few days ago, but I was waiting for the rest before I blogged. I took pictures of it before I ate it. :-)
Congrats!!! Happiness :)
I wish I had some good news to share, but alas my life is just too dull right now.
Woo Hoo! That's so great!
Good news. hmmmmmm.... Nothing yet, but hopefully by the end of the month I will :)
Congrats to you! I'm glad you got a kick in the pants and a pat on the back just when you needed one.
Congrats! And very well-deserved. Yay!
thanks again everyon! And glad to hear about some of the other good news. And hopefully anyone who had bad news will have a turn for the better
Sarah, I commented on this post yesterday...but it must have been gobbled by the blogger gremlin...I'm so sorry.
In essence it said: CONGRATS!!!! :o)
What a great motivator to get those revisions finished!
I know you said you had today off, and tomorrow, so I hope you are accomplishing!
(I'm still slacking, slacking, slacking)
Again, Congrats!!
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