Well, just the first draft. But let's get serious here, that's the first major step.
And what does finishing a first draft entail? Why it entails A MOTHEREFFING DANCE!

And maybe a fist bump

So. That was good. It ended up just shy of 80K which is awesome. Lots to play around with there. I was really pushing hard the last two weeks. I would just be exhausted in the evenings after writing so many words. Now I have to begin the revising and editing. I think it will need a fair amount of revisions, but nothing I'm not up to.
Mostly, I really really really want to be able to participate in Authoress's Baker's Dozen Auction this year, it was really the motivating factor on keeping me working at such a hectic pace. So, I've got a few months to get this MS in tip top shape, which means hectic revisions from here on out.
get DOWN with your funky self!
p.s. schrute can boogie like no other! i love that man!
Glad you finished! Really hope you dance better than Dwight though.
did you put on your revision hat?
BOO-YAH!!!!! Awesome news. :)
aspiring - yeah, his dancing really came out on top when i was searching for one for the blog
Alex - ooh, i dance way worse than that...
Anne - well, i will once i start revising
DL - thanks! It's certainly a weight off
I really envy you right now. I'm still standing at the bottom of the hill looking up on my current WIP.
Good luck with the revisions. :)
Congrats - that's an accomplishment to celebrate! Good luck with the upcoming revisions :)
Yay! Congrats. Happy Dance for you! I really need to settle in and finish at least one of the ones I started this summer. Preferably soon.
Oooooh! Congratulations! Very exciting! If you CAN build in a break to set it aside, that's ideal, but I get that deadlines don't always allow for it so ONWARD! Good luck with revisions!
Wow, you are so fast! Have fun with your revisions!
LG - but starting a new journey is its own kind of fun too!
Tracey - thanks! I'll take all the luck i can
Anne - well, knowing you, once you make your mind up on which one you want to finish first, you'll be done in no time
Hart - yeah, that's one of the things i'm a bit bummed about, that i don't really have much time just to let it rest. BUT, i figure i can work in a break at a later time. Hopefully.
Clutz - i actually thought i dragged my feet on this a bit. It took me almost 3 months exactly to pump this baby out. I kicked ass at the end here, but the middle definitely had some writing slumps
That's FANTASTIC! Massive massive congrats!
AWESOME! Well done, Sarah. Keep it up.
That's deserving of a dance, a fist bump and an ice cream cone.
Congrats, woman!
Good for you! You deserve to do a little dance! YAY!
I always aim for 80k - perfect playing room either way. Never get there. So jealous. ;-p
YAY!!! Congrats Falen on finishing and the word count (sounds like it's right where it needs to be :))
Ninja Girl
P.S. I love Dwight!
Talli - aww! Thanks!
Matt - thanks. I hope i can keep it up with some super paced revisions
Maria - mmmm, ice cream. Though, i have been eating quite a bit of ice cream lately...
ER - if i hadn't been so exhausted it would have been an awesome cray cray dance
Tara - i can't aim for word counts, just because i'm really bad at estimating them. I was hoping i'd hit at least 75K with this one, though, so i guess i was close
Ninja - thanks! And i definitely love his dance. I want to copy it
Congratulations! There's nothing like finishing a first draft. Best of luck with the revising!
Awesome job! Congratulations!
Congrats! Best of luck with revisions :)
Woohooo!!! Congrats girl!
That is awesome!! Congratulations and break out the bubbly--you deserve it!
Woo woo! Go, Sarah!
Whoohoo! Major congratulations to you! I'll do a victory dance in your honour :)
Awesome news. Mega congratulations!
Christine - thanks! And yeah, it's so nice to get that first draft done
Lisa-Marie - thanks!
Raelyn - thanks! And i'll probably need it
Caledonia - thanks so much!
Hannah - hah! The question is, did you want to wait for me to clean it up a bit first? At least, the parts you don't have? At the very least you should probably wait for the new beginning i have to write, it will help the ending make more sense
Julie - thanks! There was definitely ice cream involved
LD - thanks!
Jamie - aww thanks. I'm sure it's loads better than my dance was
Shirley - hah! And mega thanks back at ya
WOOT!!!!! ☆∴*★∵∶。◦°✰
You go with your badass self!
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