"A new obsession?" you ask.
Yes. Yes I do.
What is it?
Why, it's PINTEREST!
"Pinterest is a Virtual Pinboard.
Pinterest lets you organize and share all the beautiful things you find on the web. People use pinboards to plan their weddings, decorate their homes, and organize their favorite recipes.
Best of all, you can browse pinboards created by other people. Browsing pinboards is a fun way to discover new things and get inspiration from people who share your interests."
So let's say you're on a website and you see an awesome picture of, oh I dunno, a cat. Because, you know, the interwebs is bereft of cats. So you click your little "pin it" button, select which pinboard you want to add it to, add a caption, and voila! It's pinned, while linking back to the original source.
The best part about pinterest is, you can repin - so if someone pins something to their board and you love it, you can repin it to your board. The original pinner still gets credit AND the original source link is never lost, so you can repin to your heart's content, knowing you can always get back to the original pinner, or the original source.
Or, if you find another pin that you like, but you don't really want to repin it to one of your boards, you can "like it". Your account will keep track of your likes as well.
You can also comment on people's pins, and use @mentions to draw someone's attention to a specific pin.
Better yet, if you have an etsy shop (and I know a few of you do) you can install an easy "pin it" button next to your etsy items. So then if someone sees something on your shop they love, they can pin it on their board and it's like FREE ADVERTISING.
Seriously, guys. I. Am. Obsessed.
You can request an invite to get started, and once you do, you can make as many pinboards as you want. I currently have 6. Here's a list of mine, with examples of my pins.
Books, Writing and Stuff: Anything to do with the aforementioned title
Yes. Yes I do.
What is it?
Why, it's PINTEREST!
"Pinterest is a Virtual Pinboard.
Pinterest lets you organize and share all the beautiful things you find on the web. People use pinboards to plan their weddings, decorate their homes, and organize their favorite recipes.
Best of all, you can browse pinboards created by other people. Browsing pinboards is a fun way to discover new things and get inspiration from people who share your interests."
So let's say you're on a website and you see an awesome picture of, oh I dunno, a cat. Because, you know, the interwebs is bereft of cats. So you click your little "pin it" button, select which pinboard you want to add it to, add a caption, and voila! It's pinned, while linking back to the original source.
The best part about pinterest is, you can repin - so if someone pins something to their board and you love it, you can repin it to your board. The original pinner still gets credit AND the original source link is never lost, so you can repin to your heart's content, knowing you can always get back to the original pinner, or the original source.
Or, if you find another pin that you like, but you don't really want to repin it to one of your boards, you can "like it". Your account will keep track of your likes as well.
You can also comment on people's pins, and use @mentions to draw someone's attention to a specific pin.
Better yet, if you have an etsy shop (and I know a few of you do) you can install an easy "pin it" button next to your etsy items. So then if someone sees something on your shop they love, they can pin it on their board and it's like FREE ADVERTISING.
Seriously, guys. I. Am. Obsessed.
You can request an invite to get started, and once you do, you can make as many pinboards as you want. I currently have 6. Here's a list of mine, with examples of my pins.
Books, Writing and Stuff: Anything to do with the aforementioned title

Home, Garden and Cooking: OMG, guys. I have found THE MOST AWESOME recipes on pinterest - I find anywhere from 2-6 a day. I actually had to stop looking at pins of recipes because I found too many

I'm actually making these potatoes tonight!
Tattoos: A pinboard to highlight all the awesome tattoos out there

Themes I Love: A pinboard specifically for themes I love (for no specific reason), like paths, doors and doorways, eyes etc. Similar to the next board, but with more focus

Inspiration: I use this pinboard to pin things that creatively inspire me and make me want to write a scene or a story. Seriously, sometimes I look at this board or the Themes I Love board and they just hit me in the gut

Awesome Things: Which is kind of a potpourri of "awesome things" I find on the interwebs or on other people's pinboards. Honestly, it's probably my favorite pinboard because it makes me laugh a lot.

If you decide to sign up, you can follow me by clicking on any of my boards. If you do, I'll be sure to follow you back! I'd love to have more pinning friends. You can also find my whole pinterest account by clicking on the little red Pinterest banner on the right hand side of my blog.
Hope to see you there!
Oh no, please don't give me something else to procrastinate with!
Yummy potatoes...
Oh Honey, I've been going nuts on Pinterest a while now. It's like crack. Welcome aboard. :)
Oh, my. It sounds addictive. Do I dare? Hmm...
Stopping by from L.G.'s blog. Have an awesome week! :D
this actually sounds like it could be really helpful for storing research links...
i'll have to look into it!
I saw Pinterest mentioned on Twitter and asked about it but never got a response. So thank you!! This sounds like a site with a new twist.
Oh man, that sounds dangerous. The LAST thing I need is more ways to spend my time on the web, but it does sound pretty neat...
Does the tattoo board have a picture of the Swayzaur? Because no compilation of tattoos is complete without it...
HA! TOTALLY forgot about the Swayzaur
Talli - it's a pretty big time suck, i'm not going to lie
Lola - i've only been on for like, maaaaybe a month. maybe. Now i'll have to find you
Samantha - thanks for stopping by! And DO IT! It is awesome!
aspiring - ooh, that does sound like a clever way to use it
Karen - well, glad i could be of assistance!
Teebore - it's pretty snazzy. And now i need to find the swayzaur, but do i pin in tattoos? Or in Awesome things?
Anne - me too.
This is awesomeness. A new high in the realm of time suckage for me! Love your pathways.
now i need to find the swayzaur, but do i pin in tattoos? Or in Awesome things?
No, not another time suck!! I'm already distracted...
That tattoo was absolutely gorgeous.
Is there anything on the webs that you don't know how to do? You are just a font of information!
Julie - it's so fun! And because you can go through a lot of pins in a short amt of time, it doesn't FEEL that much like a time suckage
Teebore - touche
Alex - but! Think about all the awesome pins you could have! Movie pins! Music pins!
Dominique - yeah it is. Color me jealous
Anne - oh there's plenty. I mean, i don't tweet...
I allow myself to go on Pinterest twice a week, because if not, I get sucked in for HOURS! I love it!
I love it when people get sucked into Pinterest! It's amazing, I love it so much! Following you now - follow me back!
I love this! I'm hoping my invite comes through soon :)
That is an amazing tattoo, first of all. Second of all, I am completely obsessed with physical pinboards. I kind of loving the idea of a virtual one.
Rachele - i'm only allowed to look at it after i've done everything else i need to first
Ashlie - done!
Lola - aww! Thanks for stopping by!
Suzi - when it does, send me a follow and i'll follow you back!
MJ - i wish i was brave enough to get a tat like that.
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