Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Wednesday Weird: Pukwudgie

Another one of my favorite topics today, the Pukwudgie.

The Pukwudgie is a troll-like creature from Wampanoag folklore. They resemble humans except for elongated noses, fingers and ears, and a stomach that hangs low to their knees. In the legends, they purportedly kidnap children, lead travelers astray and, most importantly, push people off cliffs.

But the interesting thing about Pukwudgies are that people have real encounters with them today.
One of the places where there have been multiple sightings is the Freetown-Fall River State Forest in Massachusetts. People have reported sightings of pukwudgies coming into their camps and even following them:

"It/he was about 3.5 to 4 feet tall and he was squatting.  In fact, he walked in a squat.  He moved that way until he was about 12-15 feet from me, then he stopped and just stared at us.  I could see the shadow he was making on the ground, in the moonlight and he wasn't transparent, (although at times he seemed to shimmer.)  He looked wet.  His hair was long and damp-looking.  His face was human, but his nose was long, almost over his upper lip.  I couldn't see any teeth.  His eyes were greenish-yellow.  He was wearing a shirt that looked as though it was made of sticks and I think he was wearing a loincloth of sorts.  (It may have been his skin too.)  His feet seemed bare, but there weren't any discernible toes.  His hands were human, but his fingers were very long also.
One hand was held like a fist, with a stick in it that only protruded from the bottom of his hand and there were beads and feathers hanging from the end.  The other hand was empty and he kept opening and closing it.  He didn't make any sound at all, not even on the dry ground.  I have no idea how long we were there like that, but I do know that he was looking at me, because my friends, (including Andy), not only commented on it later, but they were looking from him to me while we were in the "standoff."
After a while, he left.  But he didn't walk away.  He moved to his left, (our right.)  The path that he chose was directly off of the rock, but he didn't descend, he just moved through the air and we could see him passing through the trees until he was out of sight"

Most spooky of all, perhaps, is that Freetown State Forest is also known for a rash of strange suicides, where people apparently jumped off a cliff.


Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Somebody get a picture!!

Maria Zannini said...

Re: They resemble humans except for elongated noses, fingers and ears, and a stomach that hangs low to their knees...

uh-oh. That sounds like too many middle-aged men I know. :)

Matthew MacNish said...

These are clearly just severely inbred people who have a little mushroom magic.

Leandra Wallace said...

Do I recognize a Tomie dePaola drawing...? Love his stuff!

Catherine Stine said...

Cute pix of them. Hey, I wonder if the woman who pushed her new groom off the cliff was enchanted by a Pukwudgie!

Michael Offutt, Phantom Reader said...

You are so weird. But I guess that's why we get along :)

David T List said...

Very cool. I recognize "puckwudgie" from my days of researching and putting together a Beastiary (in which are all sorts of oddities).
I'd never heard of an actual siting, though. Thanks for sharing!

Unknown said...

The creatures are real and are known by many names such as The Bogie Man, Three Fingered Willie, Green Eyed Goblin, Cousin It, Sap-Sucker, Screaming Demons, The Dover Demon, etc. Read the soon to be published book "Puckwudgie Legend of Sunset Hill" for stories of actual encounters by people with Puckwudgie and other odd creatures.

Unknown said...

Puckwudgie Legend of Sunset Hill is available with Dorrance Publishing

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