I've actually been feeling pretty good, lately. NaNo's a big reason why, since it's so much fun you just can't really get stressed out by it. But also some other good things are happening too.
But here's the thing. We can't always rely on things going well to keep us happy. Because we all know there are long stretches on the writing road where things don't go good. Where things actually *gulp* go bad....
Like rejections. Most of us have felt that sting once or twice. Or maybe hundreds of times. And I don't care how thick your skin is (mine's pretty thick) or how laid back you are about it (I'm so laid back, I'm practically sleep writing this...), rejections hurt. Even if it's just for that second where you're disappointed. Even if you're expecting them. Even when they're the best rejection ever, because they told you they love you and think you're amazingsuperawesomeballssmokeonthewater cool, but they're closing shop or some other sort of reason that totally has nothing to do with you. Even those ones, filled with compliments, hurt a little.
But you have to keep going. You know why? Because even the most painful, horrible, make you want to never write again, rejection feeling has nothing, nothing on the feeling you get when something is accepted. Or your MS gets a full request.
That feeling is amazing. And totally worth the pain.
You can do it! I know you can.
I wash the rejections down with a Long Island Ice Tea! Takes the sting away...along with a few of my brain cells! :)
So can I take from the inference you got a full request???
I can't hear this enough :-)
Yes, I have had my share rejections and depend on the inspirational stories of others who have overcame numerous obstacles.
So true! It's a fantastic feeling and makes all the effort worth it.
I'm so laid back, I'm practically sleep writing this...
I got a nice chuckle from that. :)
Rejections build character! Thanks for a positive spin on what is the bane of every writer's existence.
Rejection offers two options: push on or give up. Option one can lead to great places. Option two... hmmm...yup, might as well go with option one.
Sleep writing haz teh awesome.
Awesome! I love the cheerleading, and that you're having fun with NaNo.
Nice go-go-go post. PS: I think I'm sleep commenting right now too.
Sounds like you've been through both - rejection and an accept! The worst I've experienced so far was a when a close friend of mine got accepted and I got a "not quite there yet." I struggled with jealousy for a good long stretch! But even these things grow you as a writer.
After this past week, I totally agree! Some times it's not so much fun. Then you hit that moment... And it's like, whoa...
Rejection does hurt but one acceptance outways one reject 100 times over.
So true. Have fun NaNoing
As some who easily admits lacking a thick skin, I'm clearly in the wrong business. I'm pretty sure even the nicest rejections would make me cry for days. Man, I'm a wimp. :)
In other news, I can keep pounding away at NaNo and at least pretend I'm going places with it!
Yay! Great, encouraging post, Sarah! And also, you left off the part where if you quit, then you'll for sure never make it.
Best with NaNo! :o) <3
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